Health Tips

Why Coffee Causes Nausea

Smelling the aromatic steam rise from a fresh cup, you eagerly bring that hot nectar to your lips for a satisfying first sip…only to soon feel queasy churnings give way to full blown nausea. For unfortunate coffee lovers, this unpleasant reaction remains an all too familiar letdown ruining the treasured daily ritual. In this post we talk about Why Coffee Causes Nausea.

If you find yourself frequently wondering “why does coffee make me nauseous?”, this overview of culprits should provide some answers, along with potential relief strategies. Let’s get to the bottom of coffee’s nasty knack for stirring up sick tummies for improved enjoyment.

Coffee Compounds That Cause Nausea

While delicious to some, coffee beans and liquid contain several natural elements that prove problematic for sensitive individuals by irritating the stomach lining:

Caffeine – This famous stimulating compound works by enhancing stomach acid secretions unfortunately. Excess acid then triggers nausea.

Chlorogenic acids – These bitter polyphenols boost stomach acid levels even higher potentially. Dark roasts contain less of these nausea-aggravating acids.

N-alkanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamides – Say that three times fast! But essentially, these chemical cousins to serotonin play key roles in nausea activation when consumed.

Alongside direct stomach irritation, coffee elements also stress the central nervous system for indirect nausea triggers:

Stimulation – Excitatory responses to high caffeine intake can overstimulate the vagus nerve controlling digestion, provoking vomiting reflexes.

Elevated Stress Hormones – Coffee stimulates cortisol increases, which may provoke nausea by slowing gastric emptying.

Given all these volatile compounds within beloved beans, what strategies offer hope for stomach-sensitive coffee fans?

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Relief Strategies to Prevent Coffee Nausea

Tempering Dosage & Timing – Sip slowly and space intake out to minimize high concentrations attacking your stomach.

Reduce Acidity – Low acid coffee, cold brew, darker roasts, milk/cream additions all help neutralize acids.

Eat Beforehand – Lining stomach with food or antacids helps reduce irritation from acids, caffeine, etc.

Stay Hydrated – Drink water to dilute caffeine concentration and acidity factors.

Consider Decaf – Eliminating caffeine, the primary nausea stimulant, may help immensely for some.

Try Digestion Aids – Pre-medicate with ginger, mint, fennel or anti-nausea supplements.

Know Thyself – Pay attention to onset timing and suspected triggers to avoid personal intolerance zones.

When All Else Fails…Accept Defeat – For persistent cases unresponsive to lifestyle changes, wave the white flag surrendering coffee.

The Takeaway on Coffee and Nausea

Science shows us several suspect coffee components prone to provoking nausea through overstimulation of digestive processes. While not every coffee drinker reacts adversely, tweaking intake habits helps limit nausea likelihood if you fall in the sensitive category.

Implement the tips allowing you to partake safely within personal tolerance levels. But if queasiness consistently overrides enjoyment no matter what, consider removing coffee as the repeated nausea provoking antagonist. At some point, the ritual stops seeming “worth it” when vomiting regularly threatens to follow! I hope this Why Coffee Causes Nausea post helps you.

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